Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Babies are TWO??!!!!

Okay, so I have been working on their birthday for the last several weeks, wondering how I can let these, my littlest ducklings turn two. So many people asked me if they were turning one, because they too, can not believe how much the time has flown! I truly cherish my children. Each one of them is so dear to me in ways that are personal and I just can barely put into words how much I love the two newest additions to our family. We are so lucky to have them. I truly find joy in all they do, even when they get into EVERYTHING!! They are so cute, it is truly everything that you love about one baby, but you get two! I treasure these two and really mourn every day that goes by. Holding on to these beautiful gifts as hard as I can, hoping that some how I can slow the time that passes. I feel this way about each one of my children, knowing that these gifts are temporary and the will eventually spread their wings and soar beyond our nest, and they will find joy in their own posterity. I want them to experience these things, they need to in order to become the person that Craig and I intended, and most importantly the person that Heavenly Father intended. May I just ask that they do it slower? That time doesn't have to race to the finish line. Can we opt to take the turtle approach to the race...stop and smell the flowers, enjoy the view and treasure the path that you take to get there. I wish so badly we could press the "pause" button and I could get my act together better before I push "play" again. That way I would have a chance to breathe without feeling like I am missing out. I don't want my oldest son to leave in two years. I don't want my Drew to go to Jr. High. I don't want my Ethan to be a fifth grader. I don't want my Julian to stop writing me love notes. I don't want my Ava to lose her baby fat and look like a little girl instead of my baby girl. I don't want my babies to not talk to me in baby babble and want to cuddle with me. I think a lot of people think that if you could just get your kids to this point or that point..that things would be some much easier when they are older. Don't wish away the best years of your life. Love from a child is perfect. It's innocent. You are a hero for doing the simplest tasks. They don't find fault in you. They treasure your attention and return the favor happily. They want you, they need you, they love you, not for any other reason but your the hero of the home, whatever is wrong in their world, you make it better. I wish the world could see us from that perspective. I don't want my children to lose this. The world teaches to find fault, to cause conflict, to be offended, to speak your mind no matter who's feelings are at stake. Children are the light in dark places. They are the peace you carry with you no matter how far away you are. They warm your heart with emotion. They make you soft in a hard world. Oh my friends, don't ever wish away the time you have with them for such a short season. I wish I could stop time and love them. As the mother of eight beautiful children, one of which I have already let go to serve a higher calling...if I could offer one bit of advice is take the time. If you have to choose between loving on your baby or cleaning, cuddle that love bug! Do all that you can to clear your plate and not complicate your life so that you can be together as a family. The time is so precious and gone so fast. Don't let sports, tv, or any worldly endeavor rob you of the custom gifts that God has put into your life. I believe children are hugs from our Heavenly Father. They are hear to nurture us, guide us, help us grow into the people that God intended. A growth that you can only experience when you love someone so much that you would give your last breathe if they could have one more. Treasure your will never regret it.


  1. Dawn, I couldn't stop watching your slide show. What a beautiful family! I certainly need to stop and remember to "smell the flowers" with my kids. I appreciate you helping me remember that!

  2. Dawn! I'm so glad you told me you had a blog. I love it. Your kids are beautiful. I loved reading your post. I'm excited I get to keep up on your family more. very cool. You'll have to check out my blog. Have a great day.

  3. What beautiful pictures of such an amazing family! Thanks for your words of made me cry! Dawn, you are one of the most awesome persons I know!!!

  4. i miss you so so much! you always have the best way of looking at life? we really need to get together! call me when you can.801-201-1311


Here is a "TWO CUTE" slide show of our twins...

The Twins are Two!!

Two Cute Slide Show

