Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Homecoming and My Son...I guess I will have to share.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my kids. My children are my best friends in life, (my husband is the captain of the best friend team). My son is going to be seventeen in November, (wow, how scary time flies!) and he hasn't really taken an interest in girls yet. His sports pretty much rule his time, and believe me I haven't complained at all. Girls have been very interested in him, however and he has managed to go stag to every dance so far in high school. His philosophy..."Mom, if I go stag, then I can dance with whoever I want and only have to pay for myself!" Spoken like a true non-committal cheap skate, but a smart boy none the less. This year however, there was a certain little cutie that made him want to loosen the wallet a little bit and ask her out. So in true Anthony style, his lack of planning til the last minute constitutes another emergency all nighter. I never mind though. We have the best talks and the best laughs and enjoy each other so much during these all nighters. Whether its working on school projects, something special for one of his coaches, or now planning to win the yes of a certain cutie...we have a great time and I surely cherish these moments. I thought I would feel more differently about Anthony dating, like I would freak out a little more. Surprisingly enough, I just want him to have a great time and get to experience all of the fun of being young, including the ladies. He sure has picked a super sweet girl to take to homecoming, and she is pretty too. That kind of combination is not so easy to find these days. Kudos to my boy for waiting til he did! By the way, she said yes!! (Who could resist that face?...ugh spoken like a true mom. Of course I am biased, which comes so easy since he's perfect!)


  1. Dawn... You have such a way with words. I love the way you write from the heart. Mine comes out like mush. We all love Anthony and only want him to enjoy every aspect of life. And yes I think we all are going to have a hard time seeing him grow up into a man. I guess that mean that he can have girl as friends too. I'm happy for him and I know he's going to have a wonderful time. I remember at his 5th birthday party he was the life of the party and I can only imagine that is going to be the same case. He is always so fun to be around. His awesomeness is contagious and people can't help themselves they are drawn to want to be his friend.

  2. So cute. He is such a good kid. I am so happy you have a blog! It will be easier to keep in touch this way! Check out ours when you get a second. MISS YOU GUYS!

  3. I'm excited keep up with your blog. You are an amazing mother. I have much to learn from you! I'm sending a blog invite, watch for it!


Here is a "TWO CUTE" slide show of our twins...

The Twins are Two!!

Two Cute Slide Show

